Wednesday, July 18, 2012

021: Orlando Anime Day Wrap-up

Time to start re-stocking after Orlando Anime Day just about wiped me clean! I got to meet a lot of fun people, including a lot of the Central Florida Bronies, and had a good time. Unfortunately, I didn't get to take any pictures, because I was by myself and so busy the whole time, but the Orland Sentinel managed to take a bit of video [link here]!

Last night I listed Pyramid Head, Derpy, Jack Skellington, and a custom bead mosaic on Etsy, so feel free to take a look at that [link here]! I'm always open for comissions, so feel free to contact me about that as well! Well until next time everypony......

Love and beads,
Crackle Byte

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

020: Chrome issues -___-

Firefox and my computer haven't been getting along very well, so I switched over to Chrome, which was another headache. :/ Chrome doesn't allow Blogger to load, so it's been looking like Blogger was down forever. But then, I had the bright idea to load up Blogger in Firefox and voila! It works again!

Annnyways! I finally got my Square in the mail, so if there's something you like at my booth and you don't have cash, no need to fret, I can take cards now! :) That brings me to my next point, I hope everyone is planning on going to Orlando Anime Day! It's only $3 to go and it goes to charity! What's more awesome than that? The day starts at 9:30AM and goes until 5:30. There's going to be anime, costumes, dealers, artists, and all sorts of fun stuff. So if you're a blog stalker, come by and introduce yourself. Chances I'll have the brightest table in the Artist's Alley! Here's some new stuff you can expect at my table:

Expect lots of pony stuff too! But on that note, it's back to the old square pin board! See you this weekend!

Love and beads,
Crackle Byte